IAFF Local 2545 is dedicated to ensuring that your employer respects equality and safety in the workplace. Your Executive Board is here to help you achieve fair treatment at work, bargain good contracts and benefits, as well as make sure that your rights as a worker – under the law and under your contract – are respected.
Local 2545 is part of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), representing more than 324,000 members across the United States and Canada. We are all working together to build a better future for IAFF members, their families, and their communities.
As an IAFF member, you have strong advocates on your side. Whether you have a problem at work or at home, your Executive Board is here to help you. Every member has a voice and the power to shape our future.
Strong member participation is the key to a strong union local; I encourage you to talk to your union representatives, learn about your rights, attend union meetings and events, and make your voice heard.
Remember, YOU are the union! The union is member-led and member-run. Our union leaders are rank-and-file members – elected by other members – whose sole purpose is to support the membership.
We all fare better when we work together. Standing up for your co-worker, your neighbor, the disenfranchised, the vulnerable, and anyone who needs support, is the only way to make your workplace stronger.
I firmly believe that there is no greater purpose than to be of service to others. We stand together in support of fairness for all and to set the bar high. The rights won by unions are enjoyed by all workers today, whether part of a union or not. Minimum wage, overtime pay, workplace safety standards, maternity and parental leave, vacation pay, and protection from discrimination and harassment, are all examples of rights that unions have fought hard to win for everyone.
I encourage you to visit our website regularly to find out about the latest union news, learn about upcoming events, and to discover ways you can get involved.
Thank you,
Evan Hurley – President, Local 2545